Your Unique Artwork Deserves A Custom Frame

You’ve just returned home from a sidewalk art festival with a breathtaking oil painting in tow. You have the perfect spot for it on your living room wall. Now, all you need is a frame. But what type of frame is right for your awesome new addition - a standard frame or a custom frame?



A standard frame is less expensive and can be acquired more quickly. You can just drop by your local home goods store and pick it up.  The standard frame, however, might not have that wow factor you need for your newest piece of artwork. The opposite will prove true of a custom frame.


Standard frames are also mass-produced, which means the one you buy will look exactly like millions of others.


Nothing will be special about it as it hangs on the wall and it won’t be tailored to perfectly compliment your new artwork.

Chances are the standard frame will also be made of inferior materials that discolor and fall apart after just a few years.


Manufacturers use cheap stock to reduce their costs. The thing is that standard frames come in, well, standard sizes. There’s a 5x7 model, an 8x10, 8-1/2x11, and 11x14 – but basically nothing in between. So, if that oil painting you bought at the sidewalk show was rendered on a canvas measuring 10x11, you’ve got a problem.


The fact is that most artwork comes in sizes that are anything but standard. Custom frames eliminate that dilemma.


As FastFrame notes, custom frames are made to fit the exact size of your artwork. The same goes for photographs, keepsakes, and anything else you’re interested in displaying on your wall.


Custom frames also offer the twin advantages of looking good and lasting long thanks to being made of quality materials. FastFrame, for example, is well-known for its use of the best materials.


Custom frames are, by definition, one-of-a-kind.


Your custom frame will not be a copy of what’s hanging in every other home or office around the world. You can obtain beautiful, enduring custom frames in a variety of sizes and styles for any project.


Framing Services, Picture Framing, Memorabilia Shadowboxes, frame store, near me, Santa Monica, CA